My 21 for 2021
This is something I’ve always wanted to do - set a list of the 21 things that I want to do/achieve/try in 2021.
Gretchen Rueben from the Happiness Project has been doing this challenge for the past few years and I’ve always thought it was such a good idea. I realize that I need to take this list with a grain of salt because in 4 short months I’ll welcome a whole new human into my life and he will need my full attention. I’m also putting no pressure on this list. These are not resolutions or goals, per se. These are just a collection of ideas and things to do that might spark some joy into my year.
I’m sitting at the cabin on December 30th as I write this. It’s the perfect winter day - the sun came up beautifully, it’s calm and there’s no wifi (hence me taking the time to actually write for my blog). All we have for entertainment are DVDs, books and puzzles. I think this setting right here is going to the top of my 21 for 2021 list.
Alright, here we go:
Janelle’s 21 for 2021
More cabin time - more slow weekends and lazy days and deep breaths at the cabin.
Finish my porch project at the cabin
Read 7 books - whatever genre I want, except non-fiction
Read 4 non-fiction, personal development, self-improvement books.
* Bonus point if I finish them before the baby comes! Not that any of this counts for “points” ;)Find a form of movement that feels good but challenges me. Suggestions include barre, spin and yoga.
More smoothies - smoothies are good. Let’s make them super pimped out too. Chia and flax and stuff. Channel my inner @shutthekaleup.
Dinner at the table 3 times a week - especially once the baby comes, if possible.
Improve my ecological footprint by shopping at Bulk Barn, bring my own jars, etc.
Improve my ecological footprint by putting veggie scraps in a freezer bag for bone broth
Start composting.
Find a meaningful and consistent prayer routine.
Go to daily mass once per week when it’s available.
Meditate. No app. Just sit and listen to your breath #oldschool.
Plan a real date night with Chris twice per month.
*Baby permitting.Try drinking more tea. Don’t force it, it’s ok that you love coffee.
Host more dinner parties.
Listen to more instrumental music while I work for added focus. Also, maybe make the baby listen to Mozart. It makes them smarter, right?
Be okay with just holding my baby all day even though nothing productive gets done. Be okay with the seemingly doing nothing even though I am raising my son.
Launch a podcast for work. Own it. Have confidence in it.
*Get Paul Maurice on that pod. DREAMING BIG PEOPLE.Pray more before I engage online.
*Hoping this results in a more charitable and graceful demeanour.Deep clean spaces that need it - the office and the cabinet in the dining room.
There ya have it.
Some of it might be self-explanatory and some of it might just make sense to me. I think it’s a solid foundation and not too optimistic considering we’re still in the middle of a pandemic ;)
Proceeding with Caution + Optimism
As that TikToker said, we’ve gotta go in real quietly - DON’T TOUCH NOTHING! This time last year, I was sitting on a Disney Cruise ship in the Caribbean and literally thought 2020 would be IT. In a lot of ways, 2020 was really good for me. Better than I could’ve ever expected. However, I’m also ready to shake the feeling of *ugh* that seems to follow me. Like anything else, it’s entirely up to me. I am in charge of my life. The flipping of a calendar does not determine my happiness or productivity or success.
So, cheers to the lessons that 2020 gave us and the hope that 2021 brings. Cheers to you! Thanks for being here. Let me know what your 21 for 2021 are. I’d love to read them!
With love, Janelle!